Crafting Experience With Speed Style Swerve

A bit about us

We’re a close team of gamers, dreamers, runners and painters. We love what we do and we have fun doing it. We don’t believe in one right answer, only different perspectives, which is why a diverse digital team is so important to what we do.

We Believe in Design Basics. When the fundamental building blocks of design are right, the idea or product is scalable and adaptable to dynamic customer needs.

What Makes us Tick

We at Desix are practitioners. We are millennials and Gen Z’s. We grew up in a world that changed rapidly and with the dawn of new millenia we saw the importance of a digital vision. We are not afraid to colour outside the lines and we do not get thrown off by the dynamic digital environment.


In the current digital race, getting the first mover advantage is key. We help our customers use the right levers of design and experience strategies to catapult their ideas into the market.


A sprinkle of Right Shoring and a dash of our proven Human Experience methodology ensures the right brew for your brand.


We are not afraid to colour outside the lines. With a zeal to create disruptive ideas, our team prides on challenging the limits and creating impactful experiences to help our clients and their customers grow.

What we do


of an existing product

Bothered by customer acquisitions, conversion, retention and other KPIs? Let us do a Design Audit and We will unveil the mysteries and help you ace the game!


Your existing suite of products

Troubled by the lack of uniformity, coordination and the tedious process of modifying features or even looks?

Let us build your design system and see everything fall in place while you experience true peace!


of your remarkable product

Heading out with a delicate idea and want a meticulous execution? Let us take the wheel and drive the journey from the ideation to manifestation of your concepts!

A Glimpse of our work:

Seamless experience for Multichannel Consumption

Digital Matchmaking – For Jobs!

Who says only millennials are digitally savvy?

Say Hi

We are always eager to listen and explore together.
If you are looking for a snappy team of design enthusiasts, .
come Say Hi!

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